

benessere (wellbeing) is the proposal dedicated to body balance. Although honey is first and foremost a quality food, its introduction in our daily diet, as an ingredient replacing white sugar, it a major step forward in and of itself. It boasts an extremely varied assortment of sugars, more than twenty in all, mostly glucose and fructose. it is a nutrient with specific properties and there is an ample, universally recognized literature dedicated to the health-promoting uses of products taken from the hive. honey, pollen, propolis and royal jelly are extraordinary nutrients, substances with bacteriostatic, healing and soothing action and a strong antiseptic effect. the hive hums with health, and in these products honey is both a vehicle and an extractor of natural active ingredients.

below, a brief list of books examining in detail the benefits and properties of honey, part of a private mieli thun collection.

1) apiterapia di umberto nardi - aporie edizioni. 2) curarsi con tutti i prodotti delle api, l'altra medicina di t. cherbuliez e r. domerigo – edizioni red!. 3) propoli l'antibiotico naturale di james fearnley – macro edizioni. 4) guarire con l'apiterapia di muriel levet – macro edizioni. 5) apipuntura e apiterapia di paolo pigozzi – la casa verde edizioni. 6) dottor miele di eva crane – orme tarka edizioni. 7) miele & c. per la tua bellezza e la tua salute stefania del principe e luigi mondo – edizioni fag milano. 8) two million blossoms, discovering the medicial benefits of honey di kirsten s. traynor, m.s, image - design publishing. 9) apiterapia i prodotti dell'alveare alimenti e medicamenti di mario pasquali – federazione italiana apicoltori. 10) miele, polline, pappa reale, propoli e veleno, proprietà e virtù dell'alveare e l'apiterapia di walter pedrotti – rimedi naturali.,436.jpg?WebbinsCacheCounter=1



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honey colors have iridescent tones, with many hues and highlights, making it difficult to define and codify a scale. mielicromia i san excuse for collecting curiosities, sensory notes, ideas for culinary uses, matching pollens, place of origin and botanical information about the flowers that generate the honey. an id card for each one, an indispensabile tool for recoignizing, reusing and returning honeys, in the plural, to the dignity they deserve. ed. by: mieli thun - corraini edizioni
amiisbn: 9788890522505
pages: 56


about mielicromia

Colours are shimmering in the shades of honey, rich in nuances and reflection, hence difficult to define and codify into a scale. Mielicromia is an excuse to tell curiosities, organoleptics notes, ideas and uses in the kitchen, concomitant pollens, places of origin botanical information about flowers to which honeys are children. For each one, one identity card, an essential tool to re-learn, re-use and re-dignify the honeys, declined only in plural.


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