honey apple tree
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the front note in the bouquet is of apple cider, followed by grassy lymph, moss and baked pippin apples. the incredibly mild gustatory experience, different from the aroma, begins with floral and plant notes, followed by more well defined sensations of cardoon and boiled artichoke. although apple trees bloom up and down the peninsula, apple honey is a true rarity.
with meats and compotes of cooked fruit or quince mustard. for brining fowl and game in general. in cocktails with calvados, cider or apple juice.
in the kitchen
to dress roast pork or a salad made of wild spring greens. combined with horseradish, mild mustard, sesame seeds and a cream of hard boiled eggs, as a sauce for asparagus
Altitude distribution: 0-1000 m
flowering period: april - may
plant variety
small deciduous tree, 5-12 meters in height, with a dense canopy, pentagonally white and pink symmetrical flowers and superficial roots. there are ancient varieties, some of which are found in tolstoy’s legendary apple orchard in jasnaja poljana. 85 scientists coordinated by the edmund mach foundation of san michele all’adige have fully decoded the sequence of the apple genome, which is composed of 13 billion nucleotides.

pollens and combinations *
maple, heather, willow, dandelion
* Indicazione di possibili altri nettari (altre specie botaniche) presenti nel miele in percentuale ridotta.