honey forest
a strong and penetrating aroma of vin santo, apricot compote, ripe figs and black spices, with a licorice finish. the taste is marked by notes of carob, rhubarb and green tomato jam, against a background of cooked cane sugar. definitely the highest mineral content, up to 1.5%, prevalently potassium. it’s the athlete’s honey!
* generally crystallizes slowly and in the presence of sunflower and goldenrod nectar.
american or mocha coffee, on bread with butter or extra virgin olive oil. ideal in sweet or savory dishes with black spices and in long- cooked meats or freshwater fish. drizzled on ice cream.
in the kitchen
for breakfast, with natural yogurt and dried fruit and nuts, in a bbq or other sauce. a few drops on boiled carrots, pan-sautéed with cumin.
Altitude distribution: 600-600 m
bloom period: june to august
plant variety
wood honeydew is made from the sugars that bees find on trees (oak, pseudoacacia, beech, ailanthus, poplars, willows), bushes (blackberry) and grass (nettle, clover) attacked by insects (citrus planthoppers, aphids, psyllodeia) that consume their lymph. the insects, who search for the protein-containing substances they need to develop, overlook many sugary substances, which are recycled by the bees, who transform them into a very nutritious, mineral-rich honey.

pollens and combinations *
birdsfoot, purple loosestrife, blackberry, verbena
* Indicazione di possibili altri nettari (altre specie botaniche) presenti nel miele in percentuale ridotta.