honey heather
impressions of cooked ingredients and caramel, ground coffee, chamomile, turmeric, saffron and apricot jam compose its bouquet. generous to the palate, it is very complex but perfectly balanced between notes of toffee, tamarind and a finale dominated by traces of bitterness. a honey rich in insoluble substances, which give it a cloudy appearance, even right after it is drained from the combs.
cinnamon and nutmeg above all, but also anis and chili pepper, also used in mustards and more original jams and jellies, it is perfectly in its element “raw”, on pork cheek and cotechino.
in the kitchen
the preferred honey for alcoholic fermentation, lively in low-alcohol content beer, mead and in infusions of bitter herbs for distillates. in chinese fried rice or curried chicken, in the mix of meats for salami, especially if fatty, like cotechino.
Altitude distribution: 0-800 m
bloom period: march to may
plant variety
shrub or small tree of the erica genus, native to the mediterranean basin. it has many branches, on which a multitude of flowers form white or pink pyramidal bunches. it prefers cool soil, acid and a bit moist. its name comes from the greek ereikein, to break, in reference to the fragility of its branches.

pollens and combinations *
hawthorn, laburnum, blackthorn, buckthorn
* Indicazione di possibili altri nettari (altre specie botaniche) presenti nel miele in percentuale ridotta.