honey thyme
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intense aromas of magnolia flowers and above all antique roses, sweet raisins, aromatic herbs and roasted yellow squash pulp. salty to the palate, sometimes acidulous, with notes of date and pepper and a peculiar taste of wood and graphite. to the ancient greeks, the honey produced on mount hymettus and in the hyblaean mountains was the best in the world.
in every warm beverage, tea and herbal tea. its acidity is a perfect match for feta and greek and cipriot cheeses in general, and especially in greek yogurt
in the kitchen
in reductions of meat or fish, together with oil to ceam seafood risotto. emulsified cold to glaze meat. lukewarm to “frost” the pignoccata palermitana. as a topping on ice cream and fruit salad
altitude range: 0-600m
bloom period: may and june
plant variety
perennial shrub, woody, ca. 40cm in height, with pink flowers. found in rocky, poor soils in arid regions. its leaves are small and packed with aromatic essences. widely used in cooking and medicinally.a symbol of courage in medieval times: knights departing for the crusades were given scarves with a sprig of thyme embroidered on them.

pollens and combinations *
eucalyptus, ononide bacaja, sicilian sumac, ironwort
* Indicazione di possibili altri nettari (altre specie botaniche) presenti nel miele in percentuale ridotta.