
maiestate tantum

honey is an irreplaceable daily food
honey is a versatile ingredient in your diet
honey is a fundamental component of nutritional well-being
honey is chock full of virtues and benefits
honey is sharing, tell others about it, respect
honey as a paradigm of your love for Nature
think of honey as the golden icon of Nature
think of honey as the prayer and redemptive cry of the bees, sentinels of the ecosystem
appreciate their pollinating role, which is fundamental to biodiversity,
draw inspiration from the equilibrium of a beehive, a model of a fully evolved society


pure ingredient

we have stepped out of the box to imagine honey as a pure ingredient with many possible uses.


futurist honeys manifesto

our spirit sees honey as the food of the present and the future. its nature explained in sixteen words, sixteen keys to a new idea of nutrition, linked to environmental and ethical values and quality of life. local, vegetable, raw, healthy, natural, essential, sweet, artisanal, unavailable, limited, atavistic, holistic, environmentally friendly, peaceful, maternal and seductive, pure.


nomadic honeys

at mieli thun we are nomadic beekeepers, moving our hives throughout the country in order to produce exclusively Italian honeys, each year we move to at least 60 different locations, which are our greatest resources.



honeys have iridescent tones, with many hues and highlights, so we have tried to organize them into a chromatic scale.



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honey colors have iridescent tones, with many hues and highlights, making it difficult to define and codify a scale. mielicromia i san excuse for collecting curiosities, sensory notes, ideas for culinary uses, matching pollens, place of origin and botanical information about the flowers that generate the honey. an id card for each one, an indispensabile tool for recoignizing, reusing and returning honeys, in the plural, to the dignity they deserve. ed. by: mieli thun - corraini edizioni
amiisbn: 9788890522505
pages: 56


about mielicromia

Colours are shimmering in the shades of honey, rich in nuances and reflection, hence difficult to define and codify into a scale. Mielicromia is an excuse to tell curiosities, organoleptics notes, ideas and uses in the kitchen, concomitant pollens, places of origin botanical information about flowers to which honeys are children. For each one, one identity card, an essential tool to re-learn, re-use and re-dignify the honeys, declined only in plural.


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  • package, gift box based on the type of item,
  • decorative seal
  • card with personal message

you can verify the cost of the service and the details of the gift after entering the delivery address. costs may vary depending on the items in the cart

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